Our Woods office hotels
The perfect blend of hotel comfort with office functionality in a flexible workspace.

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Experience Woods
We are a dynamic and adaptable workspace that combines the flexibility of a hotel with the functionality of a contemporary office.
Tutustu Eteläespa 2:n arvokiinteistöön
Lataa esite, jossa kerromme millainen ainutlaatuinen arvokiinteistö Helsingin parhaalla paikalla on, sekä esittelemme Woods-konseptin edut:
kiinteistön historia
joustava Woods-konsepti
tilat, pohjapiirrokset ja hinnat
kiinteistön ja ympäristön palvelut
Haluatko kuulla lisää? Voit olla myös suoraan yhteydessä:
Mikael Pasila
Our Woods office hotels The perfect blend of hotel comfort with office functionality in a flexible workspace.
Principle module
We are dedicated to making better workplaces. Places that work to better the environment for the people within it, evolving a nourishing indoor climate, and sustainability is our aspiration for a brighter, more productive future, where well-being, innovation, and sustainability intersect to create inspiring and harmonious environments.
Our vision is to create the best suited working environment for people and their business dreams, and thats why we believe in creating a space that provides you with the best possible setting to make that dream a reality.
Explore our included services
We are dedicated to making better workplaces. Places that work to better the environment for the people within it, evolving a nourishing indoor climate, and sustainability is our aspiration for a brighter, more productive future, where well-being, innovation, and sustainability intersect to create inspiring and harmonious environments.

Knowit title
Toimisto, jossa huomioidaan sinut ja ympäröivä maailma
Kaikki toimintamme pohjautuu tavoitteeseen tukea kestävään kehitykseen pohjautuvaa muutosta sekä kasvattaa yhteisöllisyyttä, mikä näkyy niin tilojen suunnitteluissa kuin palveluidemme toteutuksessa.
No hidden fees
Your trust is important to us, and we are dedicated to delivering a hassle-free experience every step of the way with transparent and honest communication along with a clear and straightforward pricing structure. When you choose our services, you can trust that the price you see is the price you pay.
We provide professionals with a flexible, hassle-free and above all transparent subscription model designed to accommodate you and the ever-changing business landscape.

Kort varsel
No hidden fees
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